Praseodim neodim metal | PRND Alloy Ingots 25/75 | Materyèl Latè ki ra
Praseodim-neodim alyaj se youn nan prensipal alyaj yo ki ra sou latè yo itilize nan pwodiksyon nan neodim-fè-fèt leman.
Nou ka bay PR: ND = 25: 75.
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Yttrium Metal | Y lengot | CAS 7440-65-5 | Materyèl Latè ki ra
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Segondè pite 99.99% Samarium oksid CAS pa 12060-58-1
Fòmil: SM2O3
Aparans: limyè poud jòn
Pite: SM2O3/REO 99.5%-99.99%
99.9% Nano Seryòm oksid poud ceria CEO2 nanoparticles / nanopowder pou polisaj
99.9% Nano Seryòm oksid poud ceria CEO2 nanoparticles / nanopowder pou polisaj
Non pwodwi: oksid seryòm
Email: Cathy@epomaterial.com
Segondè pite CAS 54451-25-1 Ra Latè Cerrium carbonate CE2 (CO3) 3 ak pri faktori
Formula: Ce2(CO3)3.xH2O CAS No.: 54451-25-1 Molecular Weight: 460.27 (anhy) Density: N/A Melting point: N/A Appearance: White crystalline Solubility: Insoluble in water, soluable in mineral acids Stability: Slightly hygroscopic Multilingual: cerium carbonate 99.99% rare earth,Carbonate De Cerium, Carbonato del Cerio
Segondè pite tengstèn poud borid ak WB ak Cas No.12007-09-9
Pite: 99%
Aparans: gri nwa poud
CAS Non: 12007-09-9
Brand: Epoch-Chem
Tengstèn Boride refere a yon klas nan konpoze ki konpoze de tengstèn (W) ak bor (B). These materials are known for their remarkable mechanical properties, including high hardness, wear resistance, and chemical stability, making them valuable in various industrial applications.